

Inventions in the field of soil improvement

  • Mechanical device for measuring tip settlement of rammed aggregate piers (RAPs) under compressive loading, Iran, 2013.


  • Manufacturing process of short rammed aggregate piers in weak and liquefiable soils, Iran, 2014.


  • Method and apparatus for building of short rammed aggregate piers in loose granular and liquefiable soils under a rock fill embankment, Iran, 2015.


  • Construction process of gravel impact compaction piers (GICPs), Iran, 2015.


  • Driving systems of the casing pipes in weak soils without the removal of soils, Iran, 2016.


  • Impact penetrating tamper system and the process of soil compaction, Iran, 2017.


  • Mandrel for Forming an Aggregate Pier, and Aggregate Pier Compacting System and Method, United State Patent and Trademark office, US Patent#9915051, March 13, 2018.


  • Mandrel and a Method for Soil Compaction, United State Patent and Trademark Office, US Patent#10487468, Nov 26,2019.


Inventions in the field of excavation, retaining structures and drainage systems

  • Composite retaining structure system with capability of drainage excavated zone, Iran, 2017.


  • Process of making temporary drainage wells system in loose granular soils, Iran, 2015.


  • Temporary Drainage Wells in Loose Granular Soils, United State Patent and Trademark office, US Patent#9840835, December 12, 2017.


  • Comprehensive Excavation Process, United State Patent and Trademark office, US Patent#10233607, March 19, 2019.



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