Rammed Impact Compaction (RIC)
Rammed Impact Compaction is one of the ways to increase the density of the surface soils. In this method, the energy transfers as frequency shootout by a hammer connected to a hydraulic hammer on a mechanical shovel, in a network with square or triangular format transfers to soil bed. The number of beats from the hammer to the ground is about 400_650 beats per minute. Rammed points and other soil improvement parameters including the energy, rammed staging and periods of stopping, get chosen based on data obtained from the test site.
_Increase the bearing capacity of soil 
_Reduce settlement
_Demolition holes and increase the density of soil
_Fast implementing speed 
_Economically efficient 
_Reduce the volume of embankment
_The possibility of bed compaction in excavation area
_ Compaction of the construction debrises
_Compaction of collapsible soils
_Compaction of loose and soft soils
Asian Soil Improvement . All rights reserved طراحی سایت : ایران طراح